10th ASEAN Science and Technology Innovation Week
The ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Week (ASTIW) is an important event of the ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (ASEANCOST) and is conducted triennially on a rotational basis among ASEAN countries.
With a theme of “Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable, Inclusive and Equitable Growth”, the 10th ASTI week will be celebrated in conjunction with the ASEAN STI Exhibition and the ASEAN STI Conference from October 12th-20th, 2017, in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
The ASTIW event's main purpose is to promote STI development in Southeast Asian countries.
It will open windows of opportunities for regional scientists, technologists, researchers, academicians, government officials, practitioners and private sectors to interact and to promote networking, as well as to expand their STI cooperation.
Contact Information
Dr. Hla Myo Aung
Director,Department of Research and Innovation
Ministry of Education, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: +959421009375, +959444047198, +959799586315
Fax : + 95-1-668033
Email: sticonference2017@gmail.com