
Priority geospatial data and services for the Lower Mekong Countries identified

SERVIR-Mekong News

The SERVIR-Mekong Regional Consultation took place on March 30, 2015, with representatives from United Nations agencies, international non-governmental organizations and interested regional entities.

The consultation aimed to introduce SERVIR Mekong activity; improve the understanding of geospatial data, technology issues and information needs in the region; and together with the participants, identify opportunities for coordination and cooperation. This was part of a series of country and regional level consultations that SERVIR-Mekong is undertaking to inform and prioritize its ongoing work program.

The process and criteria for evaluating requests for satellite information and analytical services were discussed. Dr. David Ganz of SERVIR-Mekong clarified that the program will not be able to respond to all requests, but will use a systematic process to prioritize and develop information products and tools. They include consideration of the context, end users and other criteria that need to be supported by standardized documents.

The SERVIR-Mekong regional consultation identified the geospatial data and service needs in the region as well as many recommendations for collaboration. These are all considered in the 2015 rapid assessment of geospatial needs.