Resources and Publications

Brochures, Fact Sheets and Posters

Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
SERVIR-MEKONG The SERVIR-Mekong activity uses publicly available satellite technologies to support regional institutions, governments, and citizens to address climate-related challenges such as…
This fact sheet and infographic explains how SERVIR-Mekong's geospatial tool developed in collaboration with Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) enables agencies under MARD…
Implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), SERVIR-Mekong is funded by USAID in partnership with NASA. This infographic card provides an overview of the program.  
Author(s): SERVIR Mekong
SERVIR-Mekong là chương trình hợp tác của USAID-NASA được xây dựng nhằm cải thiện công tác quản lý môi  trường và thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu tại khu vực hạ lưu sông Mê Kông thông qua việc nâng…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Monitoring land cover and land use change is important for land resource mapping, understanding ecosystem services including resilience to climate change, biodiversity conservation and other issues.…

Knowledge Products

The Earth Science Applications Guidebook is a web-based, multimedia product that synthesizes best practices and lessons learned on the use of Earth science information for decision-making. It is also…
Author(s): U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service (USFS), Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and SERVIR-Mekong
Commodity-Driven Forest Loss: A Study of Southeast Asia represents the culmination of a nearly two-year study funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Regional Development Mission…
Author(s): P. Potapova, A. Tyukavinaa, S. Turubanova, Y. Talero, A. Hernandez-Serna, M.C. Hansen, D. Saah, K. Tenneson, A. Poortinga, A. Aekakkararungroj, F. Chishtied, P. Towashiraporn, B. Bhandarid, K.S. Aungd, Q.H. Nguyen
Spatially and temporally consistent vegetation structure time-series have great potential to improve the capacity for national land cover monitoring, to reduce latency and cost of international…
Author(s): David Saah, Gary Johnson, Billy Ashmall, Githika Tondapu, Karis Tenneson, Matt Patterson, Ate Poortinga, Kel Markert, Nguyen Hanh Quyen, Khun San Aung, Lena Schlichting, Mir Matin, Kabir Uddin, Raja Ram Aryal, John Dilger, Water Lee, Ellenburg et al.
Land cover monitoring efforts are important for resource planning and ecosystem services in many countries. Collect Earth Online (CEO) is a new, free open source and user-friendly software tool for…
Author(s): Ate Poortinga, Quyen Nguyen, Karis Tenneson, Austin Troy, David Saah, Biplov Bhandari, Walter L. Ellenburg, Aekkapol Aekakkararungroj, Lan Ha, Hai Pham, Giang Nguyen, and Farrukh Chishtie
Land cover change and its impact on food security is a topic that has major implications for development in population-dense Southeast Asia. The main drivers of forest loss include the expansion of…


Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…


Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…


Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
This report represents the latest findings of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center's (ADPC) rice mapping initiative, which includes mapping and analyzing rice cultivation in Myanmar during both the…
Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…
Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
The study analyzes rice cultivation in Myanmar for the 2021 post-monsoon season, covering eight of the country's most significant rice-producing regions. The research provides a comprehensive…


Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…
The Earth Science Applications Guidebook is a web-based, multimedia product that synthesizes best practices and lessons learned on the use of Earth science information for decision-making. It is also…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Author(s): U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service (USFS), Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and SERVIR-Mekong
Commodity-Driven Forest Loss: A Study of Southeast Asia represents the culmination of a nearly two-year study funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Regional Development Mission…
Author(s): P. Potapova, A. Tyukavinaa, S. Turubanova, Y. Talero, A. Hernandez-Serna, M.C. Hansen, D. Saah, K. Tenneson, A. Poortinga, A. Aekakkararungroj, F. Chishtied, P. Towashiraporn, B. Bhandarid, K.S. Aungd, Q.H. Nguyen
Spatially and temporally consistent vegetation structure time-series have great potential to improve the capacity for national land cover monitoring, to reduce latency and cost of international…
Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
This report represents the latest findings of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center's (ADPC) rice mapping initiative, which includes mapping and analyzing rice cultivation in Myanmar during both the…
Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…
Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
The study analyzes rice cultivation in Myanmar for the 2021 post-monsoon season, covering eight of the country's most significant rice-producing regions. The research provides a comprehensive…
The Earth Science Applications Guidebook is a web-based, multimedia product that synthesizes best practices and lessons learned on the use of Earth science information for decision-making. It is also…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Author(s): U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service (USFS), Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and SERVIR-Mekong
Commodity-Driven Forest Loss: A Study of Southeast Asia represents the culmination of a nearly two-year study funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Regional Development Mission…
Author(s): P. Potapova, A. Tyukavinaa, S. Turubanova, Y. Talero, A. Hernandez-Serna, M.C. Hansen, D. Saah, K. Tenneson, A. Poortinga, A. Aekakkararungroj, F. Chishtied, P. Towashiraporn, B. Bhandarid, K.S. Aungd, Q.H. Nguyen
Spatially and temporally consistent vegetation structure time-series have great potential to improve the capacity for national land cover monitoring, to reduce latency and cost of international…
Author(s): David Saah, Gary Johnson, Billy Ashmall, Githika Tondapu, Karis Tenneson, Matt Patterson, Ate Poortinga, Kel Markert, Nguyen Hanh Quyen, Khun San Aung, Lena Schlichting, Mir Matin, Kabir Uddin, Raja Ram Aryal, John Dilger, Water Lee, Ellenburg et al.
Land cover monitoring efforts are important for resource planning and ecosystem services in many countries. Collect Earth Online (CEO) is a new, free open source and user-friendly software tool for…
Author(s): Ate Poortinga, Quyen Nguyen, Karis Tenneson, Austin Troy, David Saah, Biplov Bhandari, Walter L. Ellenburg, Aekkapol Aekakkararungroj, Lan Ha, Hai Pham, Giang Nguyen, and Farrukh Chishtie
Land cover change and its impact on food security is a topic that has major implications for development in population-dense Southeast Asia. The main drivers of forest loss include the expansion of…
Author(s): David Saah, Karis Tenneson, Mir Matin, Kabir Uddin, Peter Cutter, Ate Poortinga, Quyen H. Nguyen, Matthew Patterson, Gary Johnson, Kel Markert, Africa Flores, Eric Anderson, Amanda Weigel, Walter L. Ellenberg, Radhika Bhargava et al.
Land cover maps are a critical component to make informed policy, development, planning, and resource management decisions. However, technical, capacity, and institutional challenges inhibit the…