Resources and Publications

Weather & Climate

Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…
The Earth Science Applications Guidebook is a web-based, multimedia product that synthesizes best practices and lessons learned on the use of Earth science information for decision-making. It is also…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), SERVIR-Mekong is funded by USAID in partnership with NASA. This infographic card provides an overview of the program.  
Author(s): Yongyut Trisurat, Aekkapol Aekakkararungroj, Hwan-ok Ma & John M. Johnston
Author(s): SERVIR Mekong
SERVIR-Mekong là chương trình hợp tác của USAID-NASA được xây dựng nhằm cải thiện công tác quản lý môi  trường và thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu tại khu vực hạ lưu sông Mê Kông thông qua việc nâng…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Monitoring land cover and land use change is important for land resource mapping, understanding ecosystem services including resilience to climate change, biodiversity conservation and other issues.…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Rain and stream gauge data are sparse in time and space, which hampers decision making on long term planning and development. In addition, river flow data is not widely shared, especially…
Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Future disruptions to fire activity will threaten ecosystems and human well-being throughout the world, yet there are few fire projections at global scales and almost none from a broad range of…
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