Resources and Publications

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Author(s): SERVIR-Mekong
Why this Project? Droughts in the Lower Mekong Region negatively impact ecosystem services, food and water security and biodiversity. These impacts are exacerbated by climate change, further…
Author(s): SERVIR Mekong
SERVIR-Mekong là chương trình hợp tác của USAID-NASA được xây dựng nhằm cải thiện công tác quản lý môi  trường và thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu tại khu vực hạ lưu sông Mê Kông thông qua việc nâng…


Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…


Author(s): ADPC
“Impressions” chronicles SERVIR-Mekong's journey from its launch until the present day. The book documents the program's achievements and learnings as SERVIR-Mekong looks to the future—using…
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